What Separates Those who Achieve Success from Those Who Don't

I have been in the fitness industry for 5 years now. I have worked with hundreds of women over the years. Each time I meet with a new client she comes in with a goal and her motivation is through the roof. Some women absolutely. crush. it. while others, despite their best intentions, fall short of the goals they were so eager to achieve as time goes on.

There are certain things I have noticed over the years that separate the ones who achieve success from the ones who don't. It is so very true that it all begins & ends in the mind. If you haven't been able to achieve what you would like to, as you're reading ask yourself if you think like a successful person does.


1. Successful People are Patient & trust the process

One of the fastest ways to failure is setting a goal & expecting it to happen like, tomorrow. Successful people know that it's a marathon and not a sprint. They know that life gets in the way sometimes and motivation comes and goes. They know that there are going to be plenty of days that they just don't want to do it, but they do it anyways. This really loops in with the first point. Their reason for wanting it is sostrong that they are always looking at the bigger picture.

2. Successful people REALLY want it

I don't think anyone would say no to losing a couple of lbs, but those who succeed are the ones who deep down, to the core, will do whatever it takes, want it. They know that it will take work, and change, but that it will be worth it to achieve the end goal. They are readyto listen to advice and implement the tools necessary to get there.

3. Successful people know they have to take a look at their diet

If you have been following me for a while or have ever worked with me before, you know that I am veryanti "diet." My motto is, if it's not something you feel you can sustain for the rest of your life, don't bother with it (PS as you get more into your new healthy lifestyle what you think you can sustain changes, so take it one step at a time). Instead of focusing on what you need to take out of your diet, think about the things you could add. A greens powder or an extra serving of protein a day is a great place to start.

4. Successful people don't make it only about the scale

The scale is a bitch, I'll be honest. It was probably a good 2-3 years into my journey before the scale really budged (mostly because I refused to look at my diet). Some days seeing no change (or even watching it go up from time to time) really sucked. I teach my clients to look at the other benefits they are receiving from their workouts. I personally found that when I missed more than a week of workouts my anxiety was sky high, my mood plummeted, and I just felt blah. Although I started this journey to lose weight THAT is what keeps me disciplined 5 years later. I am happy to report that it's been a full 2 years since I've missed more than a week of workouts and I am now successfully completing 3-5 workouts a week.

I am currently accepting ONE MORE person into my online training program this month.


  • 1-3 workouts delivered through an easy to use app with video demonstration

  • 1 30 minute accountability phone call per week

  • Unlimited chat support/ form checks

  • Unlimited nutrition guidance

click HERE to sign up for your free, no strings attached, 30 minute coaching call.

I hope you have an amazing weekend!!